Independent Police Complaints Commission
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IPCC investigating police contact prior to violent assault by then partner on woman in Cardiff

The Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) is investigating police contact with a woman in Cardiff, prior to a violent assault on her by her then boyfriend in 2013. 

South Wales Police attended separate addresses, in May and July 2013, after calls from members of the public expressing concern for the woman’s welfare. On 10 July 2013, around 36 hours after police officers had spoken to her and her then partner at his address, the woman reported an assault to police and her then partner was arrested.

Craig Thomas was sentenced in December 2013 at Cardiff Crown Court to 10 years’ imprisonment for violent offences against the woman in question. 

The IPCC’s independent investigation follows a complaint by the woman about how SWP handled incidents before she reported the abuse to police. The woman also appealed to the IPCC about a subsequent police investigation into her complaint. 

IPCC Commissioner for Wales, Jan Williams, said: “This was a serious domestic violence case, and we are gaining accounts from the victim and relevant officers. We are examining South Wales Police response to the incidents, and whether relevant domestic abuse procedures and policies were followed.”


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