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Insightful trip to Compass Minerals' salt mine

As winter weather and plummeting temperatures sweep the nation, the gritting season is now in full swing. To support customers using Winter Maintenance Products and Services – 1088 Framework, YPO recently organised an insightful trip to Compass Minerals' salt mine.

Six customers toured the vast mine, which has been actively harvesting salt since 1844, descending over 150 meters underground.

Salt Mines

This working mine provides the vital rock salt that councils across the UK rely on to keep roads clear and safe once the weather takes a frosty turn.

Our 1088 framework supplies rocksalt and white de-icing salt in bulk deliveries, as well as the supply of de-icing liquids, granules, salt spreaders, brine sprayers, snow shovels and kits that include a combination of these products.

YPO provides the ability to outsource some or part of your snow clearing and gritting services via the national providers awarded to this framework, whose expertise also includes grounds maintenance services at other times of the year.

With temperatures dropping and winter weather on the way if you would like to discuss the framework and how YPO can help you please contact construction@ypo.co.uk


Channel website: https://www.ypo.co.uk/

Original article link: https://www.ypo.co.uk/news-and-events/news/insightful-trip-to-compass-minerals-salt-mine

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