Online Centres Network
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It's Get Online Week

It's time! Our annual digital inclusion campaign, Get Online Week, begins today running from 17-23 October. We're asking people to take the plunge and #TryOneThing online that is new to them – whether that be taking their very first steps logging on or learning how to do more in the digital world.


And centres are key in this journey, helping the people in your community find out how to take those steps. If you haven’t already, get involved with the campaign through these following steps:

1. Support the campaign on social media

We’ll be posting regularly on both Twitter and Instagram so make sure you follow us there! Use #GetOnlineWeek when posting about your event so we can see what you’ve planned.

2. Plan and promote your event in your local community

It's not too late to run a Get Online Week event in your centre. Once you’ve planned your event, use the leaflets and posters in our toolkit to help you get out into the community and promote your event. You can use them in local areas or online through social media.

3. Tell us about your event

Let us know about your event using this form. To help people find events in their local areas, we’ll be publishing these event details on our website.

Find out more at or follow on socials with #GetOnlineWeek


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