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JRF - Lopsided growth means millions of people across the UK falling behind

Campbell Robb, chief executive of the Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF), responded to the IFS report, Living Standards, Poverty and Inequality in the UK

“These alarming figures highlight how far behind some parts of the UK have fallen, with millions of people seeing their incomes stagnate or even worse decline. Rebalancing our lopsided economy must be a priority if we are to create a country that works for all.

“Average incomes in the Midlands, Wales and the North of England have fallen further behind the rest of the country. Low earnings are an increasingly important driver of poverty, with the proportion of children in poverty in working households rising sharply in recent years.

“The Government must make urgent progress with its industrial strategy, working across party times to deliver a plan that drives up skills and productivity across the country. That will deliver more and better jobs and higher living standards that people desperately need.”

IFS report and related information can be found here

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