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JRF - Single breadwinner families facing higher risk of poverty

Helen Barnard, head of analysis at the Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF), responded to the IFS report, In-work poverty among families with children

“These figures show that families with a single breadwinner are under increasing strain and have become much more vulnerable to poverty.

“Relying on one earner no longer protects families from hardship. Balancing work and caring, and earning enough to make ends meet is an uphill struggle for many.

“Recent changes to tax and benefits and the rising cost of living in the past year alone have hit hard. A family with two kids and one parent working full time on the National Living Wage and one carer will see just 96p disposable income despite an £11 weekly pay rise from a higher NLW.

“Ensuring families can keep more of their earnings, driving up the number of good jobs through the industrial strategy and ensuring parents can access good quality and affordable childcare will help ease the strain.”

View report: – In-work poverty among families with children

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