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Join Ben Fogle and Sean Conway as OS GetOutside Champions and help inspire the nation to get outside more often

Adventurers, authors and broadcasters, Ben Fogle and Sean Conway, are encouraging people who are passionate and enthusiastic about the outdoors to join them as Ordnance Survey (OS) GetOutside Champions and help tackle the rising levels of inactivity in the UK.

Like OS, Ben and Sean are committed to helping more people get outside more often. This is in the sad reality that as a nation, we have stopped moving and if we are to tackle the increase of obesity and type 2 diabetes, then we need to act now.

GetOutside champions 2018


What the pair and OS are looking for are people of all abilities with an infectious enthusiasm for the great outdoors, who can encourage and motivate others to make the most of what’s beyond their doorstep.

Ben says: “People should spend more time outside. Whether that’s walking to work, jumping off the bus a few stops earlier, or using your holidays to trek through the Highlands, do it. You’ll feel better for it. When I’m outside I smile more. It’s the one place that’s repeatedly proven to be good for both body and mind.”

To be selected as a Champion, applicants will be considered based on their passion and enthusiasm for the outdoors and their inspiring stories. In return, they not only become part of a select group but will get access to OS products, a sponsorship fee and invitations to outdoor events.

Liz Beverley, GetOutside Marketing Lead at Ordnance Survey, says: “We already have some truly remarkable and inspirational people who we are proud to call our Champions. Now we are looking for more people to join us to make a difference and help make the outdoors enjoyable, accessible and safe for all. Being active is scientifically proven to benefit both health and wellbeing, and we make no apologies for encouraging more people to reap the benefits of this.

Liz continues: “At OS we firmly believe that an active outdoor lifestyle can help you live longer, stay younger and enjoy life more. GetOutside has a website packed full of ideas and ways to do this. For the health and wellbeing of the nation more needs to be done in communities to amplify this message, which is why we need people to join Ben, Sean and our other Champions and encourage more people to be more active.”

Ordnance Survey launched its GetOutside initiative two years ago, after research showed British people are walking less. The results suggested a quarter of the British public won’t walk anywhere that takes more than 15 minutes and three quarters of us won’t walk to work or the shops.

Since its launch, Ordnance Survey has partnered with the Outdoors Industry Association (OIA) and has gained further momentum by partnering with the European Its Great Out There (IGOT) coalition. GetOutside currently inspires over 350,000 people a month to enjoy the great outdoors.

To apply to be an OS Champion, or to nominate someone, visit: www.os.uk/champion2018

Contact us

For more information:

Contact: Keegan WilsonSenior Press Officer

Email: keegan.wilson@os.uk


Channel website: https://www.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/

Original article link: https://www.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/about/news/2017/getoutside-champions-recruitment-2017.html

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