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LGA launches Leaders Plus programme

Local leaders are set to gain from a new programme exploring the various challenges faced in their demanding and complex roles, ranging from crisis management to political changes.

Leaders Plus, which has been commissioned by the Local Government Association working with Shared Service Architecture, will offer new insights and further development for experienced council leaders.

Building on the LGA’s existing Leaders Programme, it will explore local government challenges through a VUCA lens - ‘volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous’. Participants will hear from experts in other sectors about how they have responded to VUCA scenarios and situations, and its impact on people, organisations and systems.

Leaders Plus will initially draw on the expertise of 12-15 council leaders from across the political spectrum to help pilot and shape the programme, with the content directed by the participants and their ‘asks’ directing where the VUCA lens will be focused, so that it is always anchored around what is important for the group.

Those taking part will also get the opportunity to shape the programme via one-to-one calls with the facilitation team and together as a group during each module. 

The broad objectives of the programme include:

  • Understand how to navigate and lead your council as a complex organisation in a VUCA environment. 
  • Refining your agile leadership skills, providing swift response to unexpected changes.
  • Enhancing a more nuanced understanding of the interconnected nature of local government issues, fostering an ability to decipher and address multifaceted problems across systems.
  • Sharpening your strategic foresight skills and the ability to anticipate and prepare for a range of potential scenarios.
  • Develop new perspectives on how to provide clarity of thought and decision-making in situations where there is no clear "right" answer, and when simple answers can have significant political and societal implications.
  • Building personal resilience and sustaining your well-being in a VUCA environment 

The programme takes place via residential modules, including keynote speaker sessions, one to one coaching sessions with accredited executive coaches, and an online platform where council leaders can access all the programme materials. 

Expert speakers will provide different perspectives and learning possibilities from other sectors and industries, around leading effectively through complexity. 

LGA Chair Cllr Shaun Davies said: “The role of a council leader is demanding, complex and constantly needs to respond to changes in the operating and political environment.

“This is why, in my role as Chair of the LGA and as a political leader, I am passionate about the continued development of council leaders, to ensure we are fully equipped and confident to deal with whatever happens in our communities.

“Whether it be an external crisis situation or complex internal changes within our councils, we need to ensure our present and future generation of council leaders know how best to handle whatever comes our way. 

“Leaders Plus seeks to continue to push the boundaries for council leaders with many years’ experience, who want to continue to develop and grow. We are working in the first instance across party groups to define the first cohort and develop the programme.”

Notes to Editors

The residential modules will take place on the following dates; 7-8 November 2024, 23-24 January 2025 and 27-28 February 2025.

For more information, please see The Leaders Plus Programme.

Original article link: https://www.local.gov.uk/about/news/lga-launches-leaders-plus-programme

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