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LGA on Spending Review social care warning from ADASS, CSA and NHS Confederation

Read Cllr Izzi Seccombe, Community Wellbeing spokesman for the Local Government Association, response on the joint Spending Review representation by ADASS, CSA and NHS Confederation.

"Insufficient funding, growing demand and extra costs pressures, such as introducing the National Living Wage, means the funding gap in adult social care is growing by a minimum of just over £700 million a year.

"This emphasises the urgent need for adult social care funding to be put on a sustainable footing. Enormous pressure will be placed on vital services and providers supporting the elderly and disabled if the Government fails to fully assess the impact of this funding gap and future cost burdens as part of the Spending Review.

"We urgently need a longer-term solution in the Spending Review that provides adequate funding for adult social care. Failure to do so will deprive our elderly and disabled of the care they deserve and create additional pressure on the NHS."


  1. Spending Smarter: A Shared Commitment', the LGA's 2015 Spending Review submission, focuses on proposals to solve the adult social care funding crisis. It includes analysis showing the cost of introducing the National Living Wage, in terms of impact on residential and home care contracts, will grow to £834 million a year by 2019/20. A substantial increase in the number of people requiring DoLS assessments will cost £172


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