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LGA responds to CQC State of Care report

The LGA responds to the Care Quality Commission’s annual report on the state of health and adult social care.

Responding to the Care Quality Commission’s annual report on the state of health and adult social care, which says escalating cost-of-living and workforce pressures are leading to ‘unfair care’ with longer waits and reduced access for those who can’t afford to pay for treatment, Cllr David Fothergill, Chairman of the Local Government Association’s Community Wellbeing Board, said:

“Everyone should be able to access the care and support they need and not be left waiting or getting stuck in the system.

“As this important report highlights yet again, social care needs a dedicated workforce plan to address the recruitment and retention crisis, especially as we approach winter, including action on staff pay, conditions, skills, training and development.

“Immediate investment is needed in the Autumn Statement to end the gridlock, address unmet and under-met need and ensure timely access to social care for all who need it, not just those who are able to afford it.”

Notes to Editors

The LGA’s Autumn Statement submission warns that councils in England face a funding gap of £4 billion over the next two years. In its submission to the Chancellor, the LGA said the Government needs to provide immediate funding so councils can deliver the 2023/24 budgets they set this year and ensure that councils have sufficient resources to set balanced budgets next year without having to make drastic cuts to services.

It is accompanied by appendices on key areas of council activity that are experiencing sharp financial and/or demand pressures (adult social care, children’s services and housing and homelessness support).

Original article link: https://www.local.gov.uk/about/news/lga-responds-cqc-state-care-report-5

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