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LGA responds to Ipsos MORI report on unmet needs in social care

Cllr Izzi Seccombe, Chairman of the Local Government Association’s Community Wellbeing Board, responded to a report by Ipsos MORI about unmet needs in social care

“Adult social care is at a tipping point. The huge financial pressures councils are under means they are barely managing to provide the care services that support those in greatest need.

“Yet this report reveals a further and wider area of unmet need and highlights why any proposals to reform social care must include a strong focus on prevention and early intervention services.

“Investing in prevention is vital if we are to support people to live independently in the community and avoid the need for more expensive ongoing care and support in future.

“Adult social care needs to be about much more than just helping people to get washed or dressed, but to enable them to live fulfilling and independent lives.

“The £2 billion announced by the previous Government in the Spring Budget was a step in the right direction.

“But now the Government urgently needs to bring forward its consultation for social care announced in the Queen’s Speech, and set out how it will close the £2.3 billion funding gap facing social care by 2020, and deliver a long-term sustainable solution.”

View report here

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