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LGA responds to National Deaf Children's Society analysis of GCSE attainment

Cllr Anntoinette Bramble, Chair of the Local Government Association’s Children and Young People Board, responded to analysis by the National Deaf Children’s Society warning that England’s deaf children are falling behind their hearing classmates at GCSE level 

"Councils know that deafness can make life incredibly difficult for some children who experience it, and are doing all they can to support all children with special educational needs and disabilities to make sure they get the education they deserve.

“However councils are reaching the point where the money is simply not there to keep up with demand, pushing support for children with SEND to a tipping point.

“While it was good the Government announced money for SEND last year, it must use the forthcoming Spending Review to plug the estimated special needs funding gap facing councils of up to £1.6 billion by 2021."

'Lost generation' of deaf children falling a grade behind at GCSE

Original article link: https://www.local.gov.uk/about/news/lga-responds-national-deaf-childrens-society-analysis-gcse-attainment

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