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LGA responds to National Transfer Scheme announcement

Cllr James Jamieson, Chairman of the Local Government Association, responded to the announcement that the National Transfer Scheme will become temporarily mandatory for all councils 

“Councils have a proud history of welcoming new arrivals in their communities and the majority of councils have stepped forward voluntarily to offer homes and support to asylum-seeking children. The LGA remains committed to working closely with central and local government to support the asylum system for children and adults, in both the short and the long term in a fair and transparent way. 

“Councils will want to continue to work closely with government to ensure the rights and needs of children are at the heart of these new arrangements. These need to enable local partners to give children the help they need, including mental and physical health support and appropriate education. 

“Councils continue to face challenges in finding appropriate homes, with ongoing issues around centrally-led age assessment and delays in decision-making adding uncertainty for both councils and young people. These new arrangements must continue to swiftly take into account existing pressures in local areas, with greater join-up across government to improve engagement with councils on all the programmes that support new arrivals to start new lives in the UK.”

National Transfer Scheme to become mandatory for all local authorities

Original article link: http://www.local.gov.uk/about/news/lga-responds-national-transfer-scheme-announcement

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