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LGA responds to RAC Foundation report on parking

Cllr Martin Tett, the Local Government Association’s Transport spokesman responded to the RAC Foundation’s report on parking

“As the RAC Foundation highlights, income raised through on-street parking charges is spent on running parking services and any surplus is only spent on essential transport projects, such as tackling our national £12 billion roads repair backlog and creating new parking spaces.

“Councils are on the side of motorists but have to try and strike a balance when setting parking charges to ensure there are spaces available for everyone at all times of the day and they can keep traffic moving. They help not only keep the roads clear but keeps pedestrians, motorists and cyclists safe and ensures people can park near their homes and local shops.”

Related information and report is available here

Original article link: https://www.local.gov.uk/about/news/lga-responds-rac-foundation-report-parking

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