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LGA responds to Secretary of State for Education announcement on adoption

Chair of the Local Government Association’s Children and Young People Board Cllr Judith Blake, responds to an announcement by the Secretary of State for Education about reforms to the Adoption Support Fund.

“Finding permanent, loving homes for children in care is a key priority for all councils, whether through adoption or through other routes, and this new funding is a positive step in helping them to achieve that. 

“We know that some children need extra help after adoption to help them to recover from earlier trauma or to cope with additional needs. 

“The Adoption Support Fund (ASF) has been invaluable in supporting these children and their families, and extending it for a further year will bring relief to many. 

“We urge the Government to make the ASF permanent in next year’s Spending Review, to continue giving adoptive families the help they need to thrive together and to get the very best outcomes for children.”

New government support for adoptive families

Original article link: https://www.local.gov.uk/about/news/lga-responds-secretary-state-education-announcement-adoption

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