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LGA responds to Transport Committee's call to ban pavement parking across England

Local Government Association Transport spokesman, Cllr David Renard, responded to a report by the Transport Select Committee which calls for an outright ban on pavement parking across England 

“We are pleased that the Committee has joined the LGA in recommending an extension to the ban on pavement parking to all areas of England.

“Pavement parking and damaged pavements is one of the biggest complaints from pedestrians – and not just in London. Similarly, repairing kerbs and pavements damaged by pavement parking is expensive and this funding could be better used to repair potholes and provide more suitable parking.

“We urge government to bring forward legislation to ban pavement parking, with councils able to create exemptions if they want to, and steps to facilitate a transition to a new law, at the earliest opportunity.”

MPs recommend ban on pavement parking across England

Original article link: https://www.local.gov.uk/about/news/lga-responds-transport-committees-call-ban-pavement-parking-across-england

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