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LGA responds to future telecoms infrastructure review

Cllr Mark Hawthorne, Chairman of the LGA’s People and Places Board, responds to the recommendations set out by government in its Future Telecoms Infrastructure Review.

Responding to the recommendations set out by government in its Future Telecoms Infrastructure Review, Cllr Mark Hawthorne, Chairman of the Local Government Association’s People and Places Board, said:

“The LGA has been calling for councils to be given statutory backing to ensure all new build homes are connected to future-proofed digital infrastructure, so this announcement is good news for local areas up and down the country.

“Connecting our communities to future-proofed, fast and reliable broadband is vital to helping them get on in life and take advantage of the social and economic opportunities that decent digital connectivity can bring.

“Councils also support the Government’s decision to prioritise future funding for the deployment of full fibre on the most difficult to reach premises. It is only right that the speed and quality of digital connectivity we provide our rural and coastal communities matches our national ambition to roll out world-class digital infrastructure across the country.”

Forging a full fibre broadband and 5G future for all

Notes to editors

In July 2018, the LGA Post-Brexit England Commission published its report on The Future of Non-Metropolitan England. It details seven key areas in which local government must be given the powers to address local issues to support the future success of non-metropolitan England including how councils can help catalyse the expansion of fast and reliable digital connectivity to rural and coastal areas. Download a copy at www.local.gov.uk/devoforall.

Original article link: https://www.local.gov.uk/about/news/lga-responds-future-telecoms-infrastructure-review

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