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LGA responds to report recommending new approach to tackling extremism

Cllr Simon Blackburn, Chair of the Local Government Association’s Safer and Stronger Communities Board, responded to a report published yesterday by the Commission for Countering Extremism which calls for a new approach by the Government to tackling extremism 

“This report rightly recognises the importance of councils and their ongoing work in tackling extremism and promoting cohesion, and acknowledges the very real impact of extremist activity in our towns and cities.

“We agree that there is more to do to clarify distinctions and overlaps across related policy areas, but it is vital that understanding, responding and building resilience to extremism – as intended by this report - requires a joined-up approach at both local and national levels.

“This is why the voice of local government should be heard as part of proposals to introduce a taskforce to tackle extremism, with councils keen to share their vital grassroots work with the Commission and others to better protect our communities.

“The Government needs to ensure councils are sufficiently resourced and funded to tackle extremism in the long-term, and use the forthcoming Queen’s Speech and next year’s Spending Review to do so.”


  • As part of its #CouncilsCan campaign, the LGA has set out radical plans for how the Queen’s Speech on October 14 can be used by the Prime Minister to reignite the devolution process to ensure all parts of England reap the benefits of having greater powers and funding to improve services such as housing, transport, and health and social care.

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Original article link: https://www.local.gov.uk/about/news/lga-responds-report-recommending-new-approach-tackling-extremism

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