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Live stream ‘Closing the Gap: Inequality in Sport and Physical Activity’ event

Next week’s event discusses tackling inequalities in our sector and can be watched online.

As a follow up to the Sport for All? conference in 2020, next week we’re co-hosting a day of discussion and shared learning with Greater Manchester Moving.

On Thursday 9 June, Manchester’s People History Museum – a space dedicated to social justice and equality – will be the setting for a range of panel discussions and hackathon-style workshops exploring approaches to tackling racism and racial inequalities in sport and physical activity.

The panel discussions from ‘Closing the Gap: Inequality in Sport and Physical Activity’ will also be available to view online, from 10am-5pm, via our website.

All you have to do to watch for free, is return to this page on the day to stream the event via YouTube.

Our 10-year strategy Uniting the Movement aims to tackle the inequalities that currently make opportunities to get involved in sport and physical activity depend too much on your background, gender, bank balance and postcode.

The event will be hosted by former Olympian and broadcaster, Jeanette Kwakye MBE alongside a range of speakers that will take part in panel discussion, including Azeem Rafiq and Andy Burnham, Mayor of Greater Manchester – as well as our own chief executive Tim Hollingsworth and director of equality, diversity and inclusion, Viveen Taylor.

It'll bring together people with lived-experience, change-makers, and innovative thinkers for a ‘deep dive’ into tackling inequalities – including organisations such as SportedUK SportStreetGamesthe Activity AllianceMuslim Sports Foundation and numerous national governing bodies.

The event will also explore a range of key equality issues, including the Tackling Racism and Racial Inequality in Sport (TRARIIS) Review recommendations, and speakers will share lived experiences of inequality in their sport, alongside discussions focussed on solutions and positive change.

So join us online in shaping a sector-wide approach to equality, diversity and inclusion founded upon dialogue, collaboration and co-creation.

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