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‘Local leaders key to addressing hidden unemployment’ - LGA response to Centre for Cities Outlook 2023 report

Mayor Marvin Rees, Chair of the Local Government Association’s City Regions Board responds to the Centre for Cities’ Outlook 2023 report, which suggests that UK unemployment rates could be three times higher than official figures due to economic inactivity

“Encouraging the estimated three million ‘hidden unemployed’ back into work or training, as highlighted in this report, will only be achieved if local leaders across our towns and cities are at the forefront of the response.

“Councils and combined authorities are central to identifying and supporting those who are economically inactive. This is through their various roles in providing services such as housing, family services, public health, adult and community learning and money advice, as well as working with partners such as housing associations, voluntary and community organisations, and in health and care. 

“The Government should recognise this and include councils and combined authorities, as part of its strategy to address economic inactivity and encourage people back into the workforce.”

Cities Outlook 2023 | Centre for Cities

Original article link: https://www.local.gov.uk/about/news/local-leaders-key-addressing-hidden-unemployment-lga-response-centre-cities-outlook-2023

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