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Low carbon economy in danger of being derailed - WWF comment

Gareth Redmond King, Head of Climate and Energy at WWF commented on the Committee on Climate Change's report ' 2017 Report to Parliament'

“This report raises a very serious red flag that UK action on climate change risks being derailed by a lack of UK Government action.  The Committee on Climate Change should have been commenting this week on the UK Government’s plan to reduce emissions through the next decade; instead, they’re commenting on its absence. 

“This week, Ministers admitted that the plan won’t be published until September at the earliest, and today the Committee on Climate Change have said that further delay is neither justified or wise. Publishing a comprehensive plan to reduce emissions will lead to new jobs, warmer homes and cleaner air. The UK Government must set and stick to a clear timetable for this. 

“We need UK Government commitment to support and grow low carbon industries and solutions - particularly in the building and transport sectors where emissions are rising, not falling, and we need this quickly. The UK has been a leader on climate change before; we need it to be so again – both to give confidence to the UK’s low carbon economy, and to challenge others around the world to do more as well. To do this we urgently need that plan – and we need it to be ambitious.”

View related report and information here

For further information, please contact the media team on: 01483 412383 or press@wwf.org.uk

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