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MI5 Publishes Gender Pay Gap Report 2019

MI5, along with SIS and GCHQ, recently published its Gender Pay Gap report. Although the intelligence agencies are not bound to disclose our figures, we believe it is important to be as open as possible about our progress. Gender Pay Gap reporting helps us hold ourselves to account in addressing any disparities. 

The report shows that the mean pay for men is 11.4% higher than for women in MI5. This is the percentage difference between average hourly earnings for men and women, and is not the same as equal pay issues where men and women are paid different amounts for carrying out the same or similar jobs of equal value, which would be unlawful. 

We have seen significant improvements over the past year to the number of women in the most senior grades in the organisation, with 38.2% of Senior Civil Servant roles filled by women (compared to 16.7% in 2018). We maintain ambitious targets to reach 45% female representation across all senior manager roles by 2021.

Director General Sir Andrew Parker recently said:

Diversity and Inclusion are vital to MI5's mission to keep the country safe. We continue to work to foster a environment where everyone can be themselves and fulfil their potential. There is always more to do to ensure our workforce fully supports and reflects the country, people and values that MI5 works so hard to protect. 

MI5 is committed to reducing gender pay disparities. We uphold the highest standards of leadership, resolve to be inclusive, supportive and respectful, giving us the power to empower, encourage and motivate our people, irrespective of gender.

To support the progression of women through the organisation, we have put into place actions, including targeted development for women aspiring to work in senior management roles. We have also brought in external experts to conduct an audit of our hiring processes to ensure they are fair and bias-free, with gender balanced panels. The Executive Board has established a Shadow Board to bring even greater diversity of thought and representation at Board level. 

The full Gender Pay Gap report can be read here

Channel website: https://www.mi5.gov.uk/

Original article link: https://www.mi5.gov.uk/news/mi5-publishes-gender-pay-gap-report-2019

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