Welsh Government
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Minister for Economy, Transport and North Wales, Ken Skates on the latest Labour Market Statistics

Minister for Economy, Transport and North Wales, Ken Skates commented on the latest Labour Market Statistics

We know that Coronavirus is having a real impact on our economy and placing unprecedented challenges on our business community but it is encouraging that Wales’ unemployment rate remains below the UK rate.

As a Welsh Government, we continue to do all we can to support firms and workers across Wales and our £1.7 billion package of business support has been crucial to that effort. Latest figures show our Economic Resilience Fund has now helped protect more than 100,000 jobs that could otherwise have been lost as a result of the pandemic and has provided nearly £300 million of financial support to 13,000 businesses at the time they needed it most.

These are incredibly difficult days, but the Welsh Government will continue to back businesses, workers and support those looking for employment, training or wanting to start their own business. It’s crucial the UK Government plays its part and we continue to urge them to extend the vital furlough scheme to protect jobs and livelihoods.

Labour market overview, UK: September 2020

Channel website: http://gov.wales

Original article link: https://gov.wales/minister-economy-transport-and-north-wales-ken-skates-latest-labour-market-statistics-0

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