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NHS Confederation - Backlogs of 13 million are ‘nightmare scenario’ that must be prevented

Layla McCay comments on the Institute for Fiscal Studies’ modelling on the possibility of treatment backlogs reaching 13 million.

“The possibility of backlogs stretching to 13 million and beyond is a nightmare scenario, and sadly, despite the best efforts of NHS organisations, it’s all too possible it could become a reality. However, by acting swiftly and decisively to invest in the NHS, both in capacity and in workforce, the government can prevent this from happening.

“The upcoming spending review is a real opportunity to ensure the NHS is fully funded to meet pandemic-associated costs. In the more immediate term, however, the government must allocate enough funding to continue vital programmes such as discharge to assess.

“In the short term, alongside other organisations, we have written to Sajid Javid and Rishi Sunak, calling for £600 million for discharge to assess for the second half of the year, so that people who are medically fit can easily and safely leave hospital, reducing the risk they will have to stay longer and delay treatment for others.”

Sajid Javid’s warning of a 13 million NHS waiting list is well within the realms of possibility

Original article link: https://www.nhsconfed.org/news/backlogs-13-million-are-nightmare-scenario-must-be-prevented

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