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NHS Confederation - Government needs to announce ring-fenced funding for transformation

Niall Dickson, chief executive of the NHS Confederation, which represents health organisations in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, responded to the HFMA’s NHS financial temperature check report

“This should be a wake-up call.

"At one level it appears that some NHS organisations are managing to balance the books, but this also shows that the health service is struggling to meet demand, never mind transforming services for the future.

"Our members have repeatedly pointed out that they cannot sustain current levels of service with such a fragile funding settlement and that this is likely to get worse with NHS spending per head falling next year.

"On top of this the finance chiefs are pointing to the risks in current savings plans – we cannot rely on good fortune to make budgets balance.

“What is needed is clear ring-fenced funding for transformation in the Budget statement later this year, to accelerate change while keeping the lights on today.”Responding to the HFMA’s NHS financial temperature check report, Niall Dickson, chief executive of the NHS Confederation, which represents health organisations in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, said:  “This should be a wake-up call. "At one level it appears that some NHS organisations are managing to balance the books, but this also shows that the health service is struggling to meet demand, never mind transforming services for the future.  "Our members have repeatedly pointed out that they cannot sustain current levels of service with such a fragile funding settlement and that this is likely to get worse with NHS spending per head falling next year.  "On top of this the finance chiefs are pointing to the risks in current savings plans – we cannot rely on good fortune to make budgets balance.  “What is needed is clear ring-fenced funding for transformation in the Budget statement later this year, to accelerate change while keeping the lights on today.”

View report here

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