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NHS Confederation - Integrated services can help improve well-being

More can be achieved together’, is a key theme that runs through a series of person centred case studies released by the Welsh NHS Confederation and ADSS Cymru.

Providing citizens with a seamless service at the right time and in the right place is fundamental to positive well-being and the desired outcomes of an individual. The new publication, Health and Social Care Celebrating Well-being, provides examples of positive partnerships between health and social care and the third sector since the introduction of the Social Services and Well-Being (Wales) Act (SSWA) 2014.

The case studies focus on the ethos from the SSWA 2014 ‘what matters to you?’ conversation which can help identify the individual’s needs. The publication encompasses case studies that cover different service areas and regional variation across Wales. Whilst primarily looking at the person’s perspective they also show how the family carer, nurse or health professional, social care worker or professional or third sector professional contributed to the desired outcome.

Vanessa Young, Director of the Welsh NHS Confederation said: “The case studies give insight into what matters to the individual, offering real examples and a clear focus to well-being and personal outcomes. Integration is about so much more than health and social care. It’s about harnessing the skills, knowledge and networks we already have in place across sectors. It’s also about sharing best practice to deliver best possible care and support to people that need it.”

Dave Street, President of ADSS Cymru said:

“Positive collaborative working and good assessment and care management for people are clear in these case studies, demonstrating that more can be achieved together than working from an inward looking or transactional perspective”. 

The Health and Social Care Celebrating Well-being publication (bi-lingual) can be found here

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