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NHS Confederation - ‘Mini-deal’ needed to keep patients safe during Brexit

Niall Dickson, chief executive of the NHS Confederation, responded to the publication of Operation Yellowhammer 

“The Yellowhammer report underlines the fact that there are serious risks with a no-deal Brexit, with much uncertainty for patients, NHS staff and UK citizens living in EU countries.

“However, we believe the public should be reassured that very extensive preparations have been made for a no-deal outcome and that we’ve had assurances from government and industry that everything possible has been done to ensure the free flow of medicines and other supplies to the NHS.

“Of course, all this is avoidable if the UK government can agree a deal. At the very least we need the UK government and European Commission to agree a form of ‘mini-deal’ to keep both UK and EU patients safe and to enable essential health care supplies to continue to flow freely until future trade agreements have been agreed.”

Operation Yellowhammer

Original article link: https://www.nhsconfed.org/news/2019/09/yellowhammer-response

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