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NHS Confederation - The NHS will do all it can to expand the vaccination programme

Darren Hughes responds to latest Welsh Government press conference on the Omicron variant and the expansion of the mass vaccination programme.

Responding to the latest Welsh Government press conference, Darren Hughes, director of the Welsh NHS Confederation, said:

“As we head into what will already be one of the most difficult winters the NHS has faced, the emergence of the Omicron variant serves as a sobering reminder that this pandemic is not yet over.

“Whilst we welcome the JCVI's advice to extend those eligible for a booster jab to all adults (and second doses for 12–15-year-olds), this significant expansion will add complexity and workload to an already challenging vaccination programme.

“The booster vaccine will offer people significant extra protection against COVID-19 and NHS leaders and staff are working at speed to put plans in place to increase capacity and mobilise the workforce.

“It's vital we do all we can to help reduce the spread of Coronavirus by regularly testing ourselves, wearing masks in enclosed spaces, keeping our distance where possible and keeping indoor spaces well ventilated.

“With all eyes on the emerging picture, we must remember the existing pressures on the system have not gone away and health and care staff are still working relentlessly to tackle demand in other areas. We urge the public to come forward to receive their vaccine when invited.”

Original article link: https://www.nhsconfed.org/news/nhs-will-do-all-it-can-expand-vaccination-programme

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