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NHS Confederation - Wake up before it is too late

Niall Dickson, chief executive of the NHS Confederation, which represents organisations across the healthcare sector, responded to the ADASS Autumn Survey 

“This is a cry of anguish and politicians need to wake-up and act now. “Winter is coming and social care leaders are not just saying things are bad, they are warning services could collapse and that they may not be able to meet their legal obligations.

“Our members echo every word of this. 97% of NHS leaders in our survey claimed the social care crisis was damaging patient care.

“How often must we say this? Social care in England desperately needs a long-term plan and significant investment.  Without this, the promises and plans for the NHS will fail. We now have a raft of promises from the political parties but the truth is decisive action on social care has been ducked for far too long.”

Autumn Survey of Directors of Adult Social Services

Original article link: https://www.nhsconfed.org/news/2019/11/adass-report-response

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