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NHS Confederation responds to King's Fund report on NHS deficits

Stephen Dalton, chief executive, NHS Confederation, responds to the King's Fund's report on NHS deficits

“This briefing shows how far the financial crisis facing the NHS has spread across the whole system, with providers and commissioners now firmly in a declining position. The uncertainty following the Brexit vote is compounding this financial concern.

“The briefing also stresses the impact on community and mental health trusts, many of which continue to see their income decline. The cause of this should be of no surprise to anyone as funding simply does not match demand.

"Our NHS' ability to respond to this increase in demand will be critically hampered if the years of disinvestment in social care and public health continue. This was made plain in the NHS Five Year Forward View and has yet to be rectified.”

View releated information: http://www.kingsfund.org.uk/press/press-releases/politicians-must-be-honest-about-nhs

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