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NHS Confederation response to New Treatment Fund Progress Report from the Welsh Government

“Our members welcome the establishment of the new £80 million New Treatment Fund and are working hard to ensure that new medicines are made available for prescribing for all conditions, where clinically appropriate within two months of approval by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) and the All-Wales Medicines Strategy Group.”

“NHS budgets are under significant pressure and the additional funding is very welcome. The NHS faces challenges of an ageing population, increasing numbers of people with complex and chronic illnesses and new medicines being introduced are putting severe pressure on the system. Medical advances are to be welcomed, but often they come with a big price tag and the additional costs have to be managed within the funds that are available to the NHS in Wales.”

£Reducing the time it takes to get these new medicines onto the prescribing list by a third is good for patients and consistent application of the scheme across Wales means equality of access too. As such, our members are committed to making the most of the New Treatment Fund over the coming months and years”.

New treatment fund

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