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NHS pay rises cannot be additional burden on councils – LGA responds to NHS Confederation and NHS Providers salary warning

Cllr David Fothergill, Chairman of the Local Government Association’s Community Wellbeing Board commented on warnings by NHS Providers and NHS Confederation of uncertainty about how the salaries of staff providing sexual health and school nurse services will be paid 

“Public health services, such as for sexual health or school nurses, are crucial in helping to relieve the pressure on our health and care system but they face an uncertain future.

“NHS pay rises cannot and should not be an additional burden on already pressured council public health budgets.

“Vital public health services run by local councils cannot continue to maximise their role at the heart of communities while continually having to make budget cuts or manage uncosted new burdens.

“To end this uncertainty, the Government must fund NHS pay rises in full as well as publish allocations for next year’s public health grant. This will help councils plan for the future and deliver the services we know our communities rely upon.”

Original article link: https://www.local.gov.uk/about/news/nhs-pay-rises-cannot-be-additional-burden-councils-lga-responds-nhs-confederation-and

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