Homeless Link
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New member: Dorset Nightstop

We're delighted to welcome Dorset Nightstop as a new member of Homeless Link!

Dorset Nightstop provides safe, secure emergency accommodation for young people aged 16-25 (18-25 in Bournemouth, Poole & Christchurch) who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.

Young people are welcomed into the home of a fully trained volunteer host. Placements are on a one night at a time basis and the aim is that young people are kept from the streets, whilst the appropriate services address their long-term accommodation.

Dorset Nightstop aim to offer young people safe and secure accommodation, a warm and friendly welcome,​ their own room, a hot meal and breakfast the following morning, a listening ear if needed, or headspace if preferred. ​The project provides a check in phone call from Action for Children staff each night, to ensure young people are settled and Hosts have access to Nightstop’s staff, including out of hours on call. The service also offers advice and guidance/signposting to appropriate services and can also offer support with transport from one of our volunteer drivers or hosts. ​

The Nightstop service can be accessed via local Dorset or BCP Council housing offices, young people's advice and information centres, local childcare or leaving care teams, or Citizen's Advice Bureau. If you are a young person who would like to access Nightstop please contact the project on 01202 525643.

To find out more about Dorset Nightstop visit the Action for Children website

Channel website: http://www.homelesslink.org.uk

Original article link: https://homeless.org.uk/news/new-member-dorset-nightstop/

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