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Ofwat stepping in to protect customers of Aquaflow Utilities Limited

Water regulator Ofwat has been informed by Aquaflow Utilities Limited that it is likely to enter into liquidation as of midnight on 9 April 2019. We are now stepping in to use our powers under the Interim Supply Code to ensure customers have a new water retailer as soon as possible.

Customers do not need to take any action, there are procedures in place to ensure affected customers are allocated a new retailer and the provision of water and wastewater services to the premises of customers will not be affected during this time.

Ofwat anticipate that around 74 business retail water market customers will be affected by the retailer going into administration.

Senior Director of Customers and Casework Emma Kelso, yesterday said:

“Aquaflow customers should be reassured that we have procedures in place to ensure there will be no disruption to your water and wastewater services.

“We are working alongside Market Operator MOSL to allocate customers to a new retailer as quickly as possible. They will contact affected customers shortly after being appointed.

“Of course, it is always difficult to see a company fail, but this is the market in action. Not all retailers will thrive and it is possible that, in the future, others will leave the market too.

As the market structures evolve, we will continue to make sure that customers are protected and continue to benefit from competition.”

Notes to editors:

The Interim Supply Code comes into effect when a licensee exits the market and there is a requirement for their customers to be reallocated.

In certain circumstances, a WSSL licensee may cease to supply its customers in the new market, for example as a result of insolvency.  To deal with these circumstances, Ofwat is required to issue a code which provides for the arrangements necessary to ensure continuity of affected customers’ retail services and appropriate protections for customers and other market participants. These are referred to as the “interim supply arrangements”.

Ofwat published the Interim Supply Code in March 2017.

The Notice of Revocation can be found here.

For further information on the business retail water market, visit www.open-water.org.uk

Customers who have questions should visit the FAQs on www.ofwat.gov.uk. If customers have any concerns about their water supply, problems or complaints, they should contact the Consumer Council for Water at www.ccwater.org.uk

Ofwat Press Office:

Email:  PressOfficeTeam@ofwat.gov.uk
Phone 0121 644 7642


Channel website: http://www.ofwat.gov.uk/

Original article link: https://www.ofwat.gov.uk/pn-06-19-ofwat-stepping-in-to-protect-customers-of-aquaflow-utilities-limited/

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