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Policy Influencing Network: Reflecting Back

Since the start of the year, we know that you’ve been busy developing your policy positions and influencing plans in preparation for a general election. Now that the elections been called for 4 July, many of you will be fitting your influencing activity into the short 6-week pre-election period.  

With all this activity, it can be difficult to find time to take stock and reflect on all the work you've done. So, at this Policy Influencing Network meeting, we’re holding space for just that. We’ll use our time together to reflect on the policy and influencing work you’ve been doing, run through any challenges you've faced, share apprehensions, opportunities, and questions. 

We’ll also be sharing useful resources that you can use to engage with your local parliamentary candidate. This will include our upcoming general election toolkit. 

Come along to this one-hour session to share your successes no matter how big or small with likeminded policy workers.

Book your place

Channel website: http://www.homelesslink.org.uk

Original article link: https://homeless.org.uk/news/policy-influencing-network-reflecting-back/

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