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Power of sport to help tackle crime

Pioneering investment to look into the role of sport in tackling crime

We’ve awarded the National Alliance of Sport for the Desistance of Crime (NASDC) (Open in a new window) £100,000 of National Lottery funding to look into how sport can be used to help tackle crime and anti-social behaviour.

The NASDC is a programme run by the 2nd Chance Group (Open in a new window), a social enterprise that uses insight to build stronger futures for young people through sport.

Tackling crime through sport

Our investment will help the project gather fresh insight into the lifestyles of young people at risk of anti-social behaviour and offending.

We know that sport and activity has the power to transform lives.

It not only improves health and wellbeing but can boost individuals and their communities – and can create a fitter, healthier and happier nation.

This is why we’re investing in a project that will look into how sport can help bridge the gap between custody and community for young offenders.

Preventing and rehabilitating 

Delivered in partnership with StreetGames (Open in a new window) and supported by the Youth Justice Board (Open in a new windowand the Ministry of Justice, the nationwide project will look into key areas, including:

  • Training for community and health professionals, using sport to reduce youth anti-social behaviour
  • The effective use of sport by local authorities, particularly via their Early Intervention strategy and Community Safety Partnership
  • The effective use of sport by magistrates, police, youth offending teams, and troubled families teams
  • Work to understand how sport could become part of the recommendations to a judge for sentencing as an alternative to a custodial sentence
  • Engagement with sport for persistent offenders as part of a structured rehabilitation programme.

Our director for local relationships, Chris Perks, says: "We're really pleased to be supporting this exciting project.

"The project has the potential to really understand how sport for young people can help bridge the gap between custody and community."

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