Scottish Government
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Protecting the BBC for the next decade

Charter renewal proposals safeguard future of Public Service Broadcaster.

The proposals for BBC Charter Renewal laid out in the Scottish Government’s paper on broadcasting will secure the future of the BBC for at least the next decade, Culture Secretary Fiona Hyslop has said yesterday.

Speaking after a meeting with Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport John Whittingdale and ahead of tomorrow’s Scottish Parliament debate on broadcasting, Ms Hyslop said the Scottish Government’s proposals were good for the BBC, good for Scotland, and good for the rest of the UK.

She said the proposals would fortify the BBC against attempts to diminish it and secure the future of the broadcaster for a generation, as well as delivering increased accountability and transparency while guaranteeing the broadcaster’s independence.

Last week the Scottish Government published a new policy paper which laid out a comprehensive and detailed vision for the future of publicly-funded, public service broadcasting in Scotland.

Speaking after her meeting in London with Mr Whittingdale, Ms Hyslop said:

“The Scottish Government recognises the important value of the BBC and its role as one of our country’s most important cultural, social, economic and democratic institutions.

“That is why the proposals I have set out aim to secure the future of the BBC for at least the next decade, and to fortify our tradition of public service broadcasting against attempts to diminish it.

“My proposals are not about advantaging one part of these islands above others, but will be good for the BBC, good for Scotland, and good for the whole of the UK.

“Audience satisfaction ratings show the BBC has lost its way, and that Scots do not feel the corporation fully represents their views and interests.

“That’s why my proposals lay out measures for increased transparency and accountability, which will help the Corporation listen to and reflect its audiences.

“By securing the organisation’s future, we will guarantee its independence, protecting it from the changing demands of governments .

“At the heart of our ambition is the Scottish Government’s commitment to high quality, well-resourced public service broadcasting - underpinned by a sustainable and growing Scottish production and creative sector.

“The people of Scotland – our audiences, our production sector and those in our wider creative industries deserve no less.”

Notes To Editors

The policy paper is available at:

The Scottish Government has refined its policy position on BBC Charter Renewal through a process of extensive engagement with a wide range of stakeholders and interested parties. Ms Hyslop has engaged with the Secretary of State for Culture, the Scottish Parliament, representatives of other devolved governments and the BBC both in Scotland and the UK. These discussions, and the Scottish Government’s scrutiny of the UK Government’s plans, will continue.


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