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Return, restart, or pivot into tech – BCS event for people looking to (re)enter the tech workforce

A special event to help anyone interested in a career in tech is being held in central London by BCS Women - part of BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT.

Return, restart, or pivot into tech’ will include a panel discussions and networking event with opportunities to talk to employers, trainers and recruiters - and hear from those who’ve made the transition.

Andrea Palmer FBCS Chair of BCS Women explains: “The aim of this event is to help people on their journey into the rapidly changing tech sector - whether they are new to the industry, returning to the workforce or restarting their career.

BCS analysis of the ONS IT labour market data showed there were a potential 756,000 workers missing from the IT industry. BCS produces four reports from the ONS data on IT work in the UK, covering age, gender, disability and ethnicity – and found each of these groups to be underrepresented in the work force. The data shows that there are 756,000 people that could be making IT good for society – and who could be adding much needed diversity (and diversity of thought) to IT teams. If gender representation in IT were equal to the workforce 'norm' there would be an additional 527,000 women IT specialists in the UK.

“Having a diverse workforce leads to greater staff retention and increased innovation. Diversity in tech is vital and the industry is striving to make this happen. BCS Women is aiming to address the skills shortage by bringing together organisations, recruiters, bootcamp trainers and people who have gone through short programmes and found roles in tech.”

Help to access career in tech

The event is an opportunity for people at a pivot point in their career to discuss how they can access a career in tech - whatever stage they are at. The session will enable them to talk to people who can offer support and help them to access a career in tech including employers, training providers and recruiters. It’s a chance to share experiences, discuss the challenges they face and talk about strategies for success – covering everything from navigating your way into tech to honing essential skills employers are looking for to create a more diverse workplace’.

The event will also highlight the importance of diversity and inclusion in the workplace.


Channel website: http://www.bcs.org/

Original article link: https://www.bcs.org/articles-opinion-and-research/return-restart-or-pivot-into-tech-bcs-event-for-people-looking-to-re-enter-the-tech-workforce/

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