Scottish Government
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Scotland a low carbon leader

New Innovation Fund to meet environmental ambitions.

£60 million will be made available to accelerate innovation in new technologies, including low carbon and digital projects by 2020.

The Innovation Fund, announced in Programme for Government, will support the development of low carbon energy infrastructure, such as electricity battery storage, sustainable heating systems and electric vehicle charging.

The Scottish Government intends to end the need for new petrol or diesel vehicles in Scotland by 2032 by taking a range of actions, including expanding the charging network and making the A9 Scotland’s first electric-enabled highway.

The new Innovation Fund will also encourage academia and business to find solutions to some of the challenges that will be faced - for example, among projects the fund could support include identifying innovative solutions to the challenge of charging electric vehicles in heavily tenemented towns and cities.

Making the announcement while visiting the Riverside Museum in Glasgow, the First Minister said:

“For centuries, Scotland has been home to many great inventions and I want this technological innovation to be renewed for the future. I want us to be world leaders in developing new low carbon energy technologies and embrace social changes that will reduce our emissions.

“We have set out a bold new ambition on ultra-low emission vehicles, including electric cars and vans, with a target to phase out the need for petrol and diesel vehicles by 2032, underpinned by a range of actions to expand the charging network, support innovative approaches and encourage the public sector to lead the way.

“Earlier this year I visited Tesla in Silicon Valley to discuss the importance of energy storage technology to Scotland’s wider energy strategy. That visit was an inspiration. We’re witnessing rapid technological change and the many companies focussing their efforts on this sector are making extraordinary advances. I want to see Scotland play its full part in this age of innovation.”

Environment Secretary Rosanna Cunningham said:

“As well as pushing ahead with the decarbonisation of road transport, we have also announced plans to introduce Low Emission Zones into Scotland’s four biggest cities between 2018 and 2020 – improving air quality and making our city centres a more desirable place to live, work and visit.

“Scotland has made good progress in tackling air pollution, but a there are still areas of our towns and cities where levels are too high. We want to develop a sustainable future for younger generations.

“Taken together, these measures along with our plans to build an Active Nation by investing record sums in walking and cycling, represent a step change in our levels of ambition and it’s heartening to see this being described as Scotland’s boldest and greenest Programme for Government.”


Low Emission Zone consultation


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