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Scotland’s changing TV landscape

Ofcom research reveals that TV watching in Scotland is changing, with seven in ten now watching multiple episodes of their favourite shows in a single sitting. 

  • Seven in ten Scots watch multiple episodes back-to-back
  • New technology is changing when, where and how we watch TV
  • But live TV remains central to our TV-watching

The finding is part of Ofcom’s annual Communications Market Report, Scotland 2017, which this year reveals the changing landscape in Scottish television habits.

Nearly three quarters of adults in Scotland (74%) are using technology such as catch-up or subscription services to watch multiple episodes of a series at once, wiping out the wait for next week’s instalment.

Around four in ten (38%) do so every week, and more than half (57%) do it monthly. This ability to watch multiple episodes back-to-back is often referred to as ‘binge watching’.

Most binge-watchers (70%) find this type of TV viewing relaxing and enjoyable, but a third (33%) of adults admit the temptation to watch another episode has cost them sleep and left them feeling tired.

Perhaps as a result, more than a third (40%) of adult binge viewers are trying to cut down their TV viewing in some way. This includes rationing their viewing (18%), finding an alternative hobby (8%), but nearly one in ten have cancelled their TV subscription (9%).

Binge viewing has such a strong allure that almost three quarters (72%) of monthly bingers said they sometimes hadn’t intended to do it, but the pull of the next episode kept them tuned in.

Spoiler alert!

Many people’s desire to keep up with programmes is driven by fear of someone spoiling a programme’s ending (20%), while others found it gave them something to talk about with friends (29%)

Although half (53%) of Scottish viewers like the freedom of being able to watch whenever, wherever they like, viewing at home is still popular. Just under a half of people (46%) watch TV in their bedroom, while others tune-in in the kitchen (16%), the garden (6%) or the bathroom (9%).

Many people watch TV outside of their home – while on holiday (23%), while commuting (18%) or in the pub (5%).

Click here for full press release


Channel website: https://www.ofcom.org.uk/

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