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TUC – Britain's “miserly” sick pay system is “punishing” low-paid workers

Commenting on the Resolution Foundation’s Low Paid Britain Report, which criticises the UK’s lack of decent sick pay, TUC General Secretary Paul Nowak yesterday said:

“Nobody should be plunged into financial hardship if they become sick.

“But Britain has one of the most miserly sick pay rates in Europe.

“This is disproportionately punishing low-paid workers and leaving them without a safety net.

“We must fix our broken sick pay system by making statutory sick pay available from day one and raising it to the level of the real living wage.

“The lack of decent sick pay cost us dear during the pandemic. The government should have learned this lesson.”

On the need for a higher minimum wage and sector-wide fair pay agreements, Paul Nowak added:

“Let’s not kid ourselves. Low-paid workers remain under huge financial strain.

“Energy bills have shot up by £67 a month and food prices are through the roof.

“It’s time to put an end to low-pay Britain once and for all. That means getting the minimum wage to £15 per an hour as soon as possible.

“And it means introducing industry-wide fair pay agreements so that all workers have a minimum set of pay and rights.”


Original article link: https://www.tuc.org.uk/news/tuc-britains-miserly-sick-pay-system-punishing-low-paid-workers

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