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TUC: Ministers must bring in mandatory ethnicity pay gap reporting “without delay”

Commenting on new ethnicity pay gap guidance and advice for employers published by the government (Monday), TUC General Secretary Paul Nowak yesterday said:

“The harsh reality is that even today, structural racism plays a big role in determining Black workers’ pay and career prospects. 

“Too often BME workers are paid less for doing the same job as their white colleagues. 

“Ministers must take bold action to confront inequality and racism in the labour market. The obvious first step is mandatory ethnicity pay gap reporting – not just voluntary guidance. 

“And alongside publishing the raw data, every employer should have to publish an action plan setting out how they will close their pay gap. That will really drive more equal workplaces.    

“Business and unions are united in their support for compulsory pay gap monitoring. Ministers must bring it in without delay.” 

Editors note’s


Original article link: https://www.tuc.org.uk/news/tuc-ministers-must-bring-mandatory-ethnicity-pay-gap-reporting-without-delay

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