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The King's Fund responds to the Department of Health and Social Care announcement of £3.8bn of capital funding for hospitals

Responding to the Department of Health and Social Care announcement of £3.8bn of capital funding for hospitals, Sally Warren, Director of Policy at The King’s Fund, recently said:

“Today’s confirmation of funding will give the hospitals selected welcome reassurance. The impact of Covid-19 and tackling backlogs in treatment mean that building improvements have had to take a back seat, so today’s announcement is much needed.

“The piecemeal nature of government announcements of new spending for the NHS makes it difficult to tell exactly how much money is available and how much of it is on top of or included in existing budgets. The NHS desperately needs a multi-year capital funding settlement to make long-term plans to improve buildings and facilities. To maximise the benefits for patients, the government must consider capital improvements alongside long-term plans to increase staff numbers and ensure that vital health and social care services outside hospitals are improved and supported too.”

Notes to Editors

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The King's Fund is an independent charity working to improve health and care in England. We help to shape policy and practice through research and analysis; develop individuals, teams and organisations; promote understanding of the health and social care system; and bring people together to learn, share knowledge and debate. Our vision is that the best possible health and care is available to all.


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