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The Manchester College: “The T Level qualification has had a profound impact on our students”

The Manchester College is the largest general further education college in the UK and the number one provider of 16-19 and adult education in Greater Manchester. By 2025, the college also aims to be the number one provider of high-quality technical education in the North West.

Here, we speak with the college’s T Level Lead in Science, Jabinda Silva Lobo, to discover the ways in which the Science T Level qualification has had a profound impact on their students, through providing holistic development opportunities and boosting their confidence in both the classroom and places of work.

Q: Tell us about your organisation and why you chose to deliver T Levels.

A: "The Manchester College is committed to a ‘careers not courses’ ethos, which puts the future employability of all its students at the heart of everything we do. Key to this is developing close connections with industry, ensuring that employers input into the courses it offers and providing extensive work placement opportunities.

“By ensuring that we have high levels of employer input into our offer, we are able to provide a high quality technical and vocational education that aligns closely with the future economic needs of the Greater Manchester area.

“The Science T Level qualification reflects our commitment to align our curriculum with the future economic needs of the communities we serve and provide our students with the skills, knowledge, and experience they need to be career ready. By offering this course, we are equipping our students with the practical skills and qualifications that employers are seeking, thereby enhancing their employability and potential for a rewarding career.”

Q: Tell us about your cohort of learners who have recently completed their T Level resits.

A: “Our students who completed their T Level resits are truly inspiring. Resitting Year 1 whilst studying the entire core A and B, along with the employer-set project (ESP) for Year 2, was no small feat for them. However, these students approached it as a challenge and emerged victorious.

“These students have a genuine interest and passion for science and showed enthusiasm to learn and absorb knowledge. Their resilience was evident throughout the year. Despite several challenges, they remained determined and worked hard to excel in their studies. This combination of traits reflects their ability to seize every opportunity as a chance to succeed.

“These students serve as a pure testament that through determination and perseverance, they can achieve anything!”

Q: How has the T Level impacted your learners?

A: “The T Level qualification has had a profound impact on our students for several reasons. Firstly, the T Level qualification has facilitated a holistic development among our students by combining academic learning with hands-on experience. Through this approach, students have acquired valuable technical as well as soft skills.

“Alongside this, industry placements have played an important role in enhancing our students’ skill sets, providing them with opportunities to apply their knowledge and gain insights into the day-to-day operations of a laboratory and pharmacies. These placements have not only boosted their confidence, but also made them work-ready.

"Finally, through several expert-led masterclasses, industrial trips, and career guidance sessions, our students have been introduced to different fields of science which has provided them with an in-depth view of the science industry and research areas. This exposure has enriched our students' learning journey and better prepared them to make informed decisions about their future professions.”

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