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Two wins for FSCS at Diversity in Finance Awards

At Financial Adviser’s inaugural Diversity in Finance Awards on 3 July FSCS scooped two awards. FSCS was recognised as the Employer of the Year, and David Blackburn, FSCS’s Chief People Officer, was named as the Diversity Champion of the Year.

Speaking after the ceremony at the Financial Times Headquarters, Blackburn, Chief People Officer at FSCS said, “Financial Adviser is to be congratulated for launching the Diversity in Finance Awards and addressing the issues around inclusion. Promoting the positive impact and value of a diverse workplace will benefit the wider financial services industry, both employees and customers. For FSCS to have won the Employer of the Year is particularly special as the judges recognised the breadth of the work that we do.

“We don’t just focus on one area, but across the spectrum of diversity to create an inclusive work environment. Our work includes recruiting and retaining mature talent. We were a founding signatory of the Business in the Community Race at Work Charter. We provide BAME Mentoring Circles. Our work encompasses gender diversity at all levels across the Scheme, and we give ongoing support to Positive East, an HIV/AIDS charity in East London. As our customers come from all backgrounds it’s essential our workforce reflects that, as it means they can truly empathise with customers’ concerns and understand their experience as perhaps they have been on similar journey.

“To have won the inaugural Diversity Champion of the Year Award is incredibly exciting, and very unexpected. The personal recognition is great, but I think I’m motivated by the fact that as a gay man, like lots of people, I have faced challenges in my career journey. So, to be in the position that I am now, why wouldn’t you use your role and position to create opportunity for others, not just for LGBTQ+ colleagues, but for everyone.”    

Financial Adviser’s Diversity in Finance Awards judging panel was made up of Nicky Morgan MP, Baroness Ros Altmann CBE, Adam Thorpe from Randstad, Chris Cummings, Chief Executive of The Investment Association, and Ruth Hunt, Chief Executive of Stonewall. The moderator was Damian Fantato, Deputy Editor, Financial Adviser.

Further information about the Financial Adviser Diversity in Finance Awards is at www.diversityinfinance.ftadviser.com


Media enquiries

Catherine Goodier - T: 020 7375 8631

E: publicrelations@fscs.org.uk


Notes for editors

Read more about the remit of FSCS on our Notes for editors page.

Channel website: https://www.fscs.org.uk/

Original article link: https://www.fscs.org.uk/about-fscs/media-centre/press-releases/

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