Welsh Government
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Update on ‘the constitutional future of Wales’

The Independent Commission on the Constitutional Future of Wales wants you to have your say.

Since its launch the commission has received a lot of interest from individuals who want to contribute. We launched the Have your say survey in March as a means of allowing people the opportunity to share their views from the ‘get-go’.

Since then, over 1800 people have responded to our invitation to ‘have your say’ and we continue to get a steady flow of respondents. 

As well as hearing from those with an interest in these matters, we are also beginning to hear from people who are new to the conversation.  This is really important to us and we want to build on the momentum we’ve made so far.

As a result of this continued engagement, we will be keeping the survey open for the time being so people can continue to share their views. 

Views received before the end of July will be reflected in our interim report. It will also include our community engagement funded activity and the evidence we’ve heard from a wide range of individuals and groups.  Responses to the survey after this point will inform the work of the commission in 2023 and be reflected in its final report.

Our engagement will continue throughout the duration of the commission, right up until the end of 2023.  We are developing new opportunities to get involved with the work of the commission. We want to continue the conversation with people from all walks of life and in every corner of Cymru. 

Keep following to stay updated!

Related Links


Channel website: http://gov.wales

Original article link: https://gov.wales/update-constitutional-future-wales

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