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WWF comments on the Industrial Strategy

Gareth Redmond-King, Head of Climate and Energy at WWF, commented on the Industrial Strategy

“The PM and Business Secretary are right to focus on the huge opportunities which clean growth offers the UK, and the importance of restoring nature to our economy. But at some point, there really does need to be some detail on how the UK Government plans to seize them, rather than a series of strategy papers setting out how important they are.

“It’s great to see support for the growth of electric vehicles and it’s always good to see money for research into the clean technologies of the future. But what about the technologies we already know about? We don’t need new research into energy efficiency, and why no mention of onshore wind and solar as clean growth success stories?

“We need to see detailed plans for how these good ideas will be put into practice, one of which should be the proposed 25 year environment plan, so that the UK can become a true global leader on green growth.”

For more information please contact:

pressoffice@wwf.org.uk | +44(0) 1483 412383

Original article link: https://www.wwf.org.uk/updates/wwf-comments-industrial-strategy

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