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Wales TUC asks workers about mental health in the workplace and Covid-19

Work can be one of the most important factors of someone’s mental health. It can be a community which offers a way for people to contribute, reach their full potential and develop and maintain valuable social networks. Conversely, work related stress, bullying and poor consideration for workers’ mental health negatively impact the entire workforce.

  • One in four people will experience mental health problems in any given year.
  • One in six workers are affected by conditions such as anxiety, depression and stress.
  • Wales TUC survey will ask workers in Wales about the impact of Covid-19 and work on their mental health

The Covid-19 pandemic has also had a large impact on many people's mental health. Now, for the first time, the Wales TUC is asking workers in Wales to share their experiences of mental health, Covid and the workplace.

The findings of the survey will be used by the union body to create new resources for union reps and to campaign for better mental health and well-being for everyone.

The survey is open to everyone who works in Wales, not just union members. It is available in both Welsh and English and takes around 12 minutes to complete.

Fill in the survey

So, whilst we at the Wales TUC know that union members have been affected, we want to hear your stories. How is your mental health? How has your mental health been affected, for better or worse, by your work? And how is the Trade Union movement helping you?”Wales TUC General Secretary Shavanah Taj said: “The pandemic has affected us all: losing loved ones, finances in a mess, in work, out of work, properly protected or not, and we’ve all become more socially isolated. As we all try and work out what our new normal is, we’re concerned that Covid has impacted workers’ mental health more than anything else.

Mental health doesn’t discriminate and there should be no stigma attached to it. However, groups of people with different identities or protected characteristics may be more likely to have mental health problems. The Wales TUC is therefore hoping to hear from workers from all walks of life and backgrounds through this mental health survey.

Fill in the survey

The Wales TUC is the voice of Wales at work. With 48 member unions, the Wales TUC represents around 400,000 workers. We campaign for a fair deal at work and for social justice at home and abroad. Editors note

Fill in the Wales TUC mental health survey at https://www.tuc.org.uk/MentalHealthWales


Original article link: https://www.tuc.org.uk/news/wales-tuc-asks-workers-about-mental-health-workplace-and-covid-19

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