Welsh Government
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Welsh Government boosts support for valued charities and third sector organisations in Wales

The Welsh Government is once again backing volunteers, charities and third sector organisations in Wales who have played a vital role in response to Covid-19, with additional funding support to help meet their needs.

Grant funding of over £2.5m has been awarded to 27 organisations through the Welsh Government Coronavirus Recovery Grant for Volunteering, to help sustain volunteering and community action during recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic.

The Deputy Minister and Chief Whip, Jane Hutt, said:

We’ve been working closely with the Wales Council for Voluntary Action (WCVA) and public sector organisations throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, helping charities and third sector groups to expand and adapt services to meet specific needs.

This grant funding recognises the huge contribution made by voluntary organisations who have been working on the front line to support our most vulnerable communities, and the partnerships they have formed.

Funds will be used to improve or introduce new systems, and to help recruit, retain and train volunteers. The grants will also boost partnerships between third sector organisations and public bodies, like local authorities and health boards, to help make a lasting impact on communities.

I want to acknowledge and celebrate the admirable work done by volunteer groups, charities and the third sector right across Wales, which has provided much-needed help and support during a particularly challenging time. Thank you for continuing to protect the wellbeing of Wales, its people and communities. Your dedication has been an inspiration.

Wales Council for Voluntary Action Director of Operations, Matthew Brown, said:

Voluntary organisations in Wales have provided invaluable support for individuals and communities over the past year, since the beginning of the pandemic. Now with the vaccination programme underway, voluntary organisations will have a crucial role to play in the recovery. Therefore, it is vital that this funding is allocated to support organisations in rebuilding and strengthening our communities.


Channel website: http://gov.wales

Original article link: https://gov.wales/welsh-government-boosts-support-valued-charities-and-third-sector-organisations

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