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Welsh Water customers to each receive £10 rebate – CCW response

Welsh Water has confirmed that all of its customers will receive a £10 rebate after the company apologised for incorrect regulatory reporting.

A black man looks at a bill while working at his desk.

The company discovered that some of its reporting of performance data on leakage and the amount of water each of its customers uses did not comply with regulatory requirements. This came to light after an internal review.

Each of its customers will now receive a £10 rebate.

Responding to the announcement, Emma Clancy – CCW’s Chief Executive – yesterday said:

We recognise Welsh Water has moved swiftly to admit its mistake and the £10 rebate will go some way to reassuring its customers that it regrets the damage this will have caused to people’s trust in it. It is reassuring that the company identified the issue through its own assurance processes. Customers will want the company to take the right steps to ensure this doesn’t happen again. Our research shows leakage from water companies affects customers’ own motivation to save water so Welsh Water will need to build trust on this issue.

The water industry regulator Ofwat has confirmed it has launched an investigation into the matter. 


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