UK online centres
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What training would benefit you and your team?

As part of the Online Centres Network membership, we offer a variety of training opportunities throughout the year. This includes webinars, face-to-face sessions and networking days which are normally free to attend.

To ensure our training offer for 2018 is relevant to your centre's needs, we’re asking you to take a few minutes to fill in a short survey. The deadline for responses is Wednesday 31 January at 5pm.

We want to know:

  • What topics would you like covered in 2018 (social media, teaching, etc)?
  • How would you like this training to be delivered (webinars, face-to-face, etc)?
  • What times of year you have the capacity to take part in this type of training?

If after completing the survey you would like to discuss your requirements, email with your name and centre number. Our Training Specialist Alison will be able to arrange a time to talk in more detail.

Complete the survey


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